Thoughts by a Rock

This picture is that of “just” an isolated rock on superficial glance, but its now a ‘Reflective Rock’, as it prompted and mirrored reflective thoughts back to me on today’s little hike to find the Highbury Quarry and Lake.
It made me think about my isolated hikes. How I can feel transient pangs of isolation and alone-ness, and how this can, for those very fleeting moments, carry emotional pain. However, I then understand that this pain is short-lived, and is a reminder of its necessity in this human existence. With this awareness, I actively embrace the pain, immerse myself in it.
And when I do, another awareness emerges from the inner depths of my mind and heart: that I am far, far from alone. Everywhere around me there is life. I hear the cacophonous bird calls echoing in the valleys. I see the butterflies seemingly dancing from flower to flower. I grow aware of the teeming and unseen life around me. I see the signs of human presence (sometimes not so welcoming: broken beer bottles and the like) on the very paths I am currently treading. And we all share the same transience of existence in time; we all share the same limits on our capacity to traverse through space, and 'there but for the Grace of God go us".
We are all connected through vulnerability, and we all through connection encompass a whole. Perhaps this rock and I are just repeating a reflective fractal, whereby we are each a translucent, clear water drop on the lattices of Indra's web; reflecting in an infinite, recursive and connected manner the images and representations of self, other and self again.
My pain abates; it is not denied, but knowing it has served its reminder, gracefully withdraws into its inner chamber and allows Curiosity and anticipatory Joy to takes its place in the theatre of my consciousness. Joy and Curiosity bring their companion Gratitude, and with a buoyant and uplifted heart shouldered by these three companions, I thank this precious Rock and move onward.