The Archetypes within me

I recently was invited to reflect on and write about some of the Jungian Archetypes contained within my psyche. What follows is a brief tome on this question. Clearly, given that these arise from my own inner observations, it is far from complete. However, I did find it a highly valuable exercise in furthering a sense of self-awareness and evolving self-other integration. My hope is that by reading this, it may inspire you to try your own 360 degree reflection and feedback.
The original question was conveniently divided into four parts to aid my thinking. It asked about personal, parental, cultural and ancestral archetypes. For those interested, I have framed my answer using these domains as a guide below.
1. Personal Archetypes
At this point in my life, I work and am regarded well by my colleagues, patients and students as a psychiatrist and psychotherapist. Regardless of the origins of my intentions and values, this is consistent with my ideal of living through the archetype of HEALER.
Again consistent with my values centred on acquiring and integrating knowledge, then passing this knowledge onto others, another lived personal archetype is that of SCHOLAR. I also research presentations that I have to deliver, which brings up along with my roles in supervision the archetype of GUIDE/TEACHER. This is also consistent in my day to day activities with my friends and family, who also look to me for advice and guidance.
There are elements of WARRIOR archetype in my regular long term practice of the martial arts, as well as perhaps within my shadow side of unresolved anger issues directed at authoritarian/authority figures.
In summary, I think the most central and core archetype is that of a GUIDE and HEALER, as all other archetypes are in the service of this.

2. Parental Archetypes
My father has lived the archetype of SCIENTIST and SCHOLAR , and continues to do so with an almost near complete reliance on sense of self based on logical thinking and knowledge. The other males in my family are not as well known to me, but seem to share the same quality of this archetype. An unrecognized archetype denied to themselves they may carry is that of INTUIT.
My mother, and a number of those on her side of the family, are loving and value the simple life. However, there is also the tendency to ‘sweep conflict and distress under the carpet’, which have resulted in averse outcomes. An example of this is two generations of family wealth literally being gambled and consumed away via wine and women. The archetype of IGNORANCE is, paradoxically, difficult to ignore.
3. Cultural Archetypes
Being a Malaysian born Chinese who then migrated to Australia, I think successful survival and social adaptation processes required an integrative approach, and I discovered via trial and error the required archetypes of TOLERANCE and CREATIVITY: the qualities required of the character archetype of EXPLORER/ADVENTURER.
4. Ancestral Archetypes
This exercise has revealed a major gap in my self knowledge and continuity. While both my parents come from Chinese ancestors who migrated to Malaysia (second generation on the paternal side and fifth/sixth gen on my mothers side), I know precious little about my ancestors and will endeavour to do as much fact finding as possible here.

I find all of the above ‘makes sense’ as the archetypes appear to have coalesced in an increasingly integrated manner in my life. For example, after a tumultuous period whereby I put on the mask of a warrior, but in the form of a ‘rebel without a cause’, over the last decade this archetype has been subsumed within the healer in advocacy, political and direct clinical roles at work. I have also been recognized for the creative element in what I do as a teacher/guide and healer, and also in my practice of the martial arts.
The Scholar archetype was initially enforced on me via external parental and social/school forces however now I feel this has been creatively internalized in the service of previous roles. Scholar can be combined with explorer/adventurer in my ongoing thirst for internal and external travelling.
There are gaps, and perhaps a persistent and gnawing sense of emptiness- a literal ‘gap’ within my psyche- may in part be perpetuated by the discontinuity in my lack of knowledge regarding my ancestors. The archetype of Ignorance is particularly noted by my family, in at times avoiding practical, real tasks such as checking my accounts and completing taxes and the like instead preferring to read poetry. This may well be abusing the role of scholar by rationalizing procrastination!
However, on reflecting further on Maternal Archetypes, I appear to have paid lengthy attention to archetypes of a Masculine persona. I appear to have dismissed the females quickly as IGNORANCE. Perhaps Ignorance is not an Archetype. It seems more like a criticism, kind of wooden, and one dimensional. An Archetype should have both positive and negative attributes. Perhaps, going a bit deeper into recognition of the female, the same Archetype might be seen as The INNOCENCE.
The INTUIT may also be a feminine trait thus making it more difficult to synthesize. The Asian women I know both Traditional & Non-Traditional all have been very strong even when they were of a 'lower' character and despite a superficial mask-like role they play within everyday life. They carry an element of power in a positive and negative sense. Maybe the Male persona is much more comfortable and therefore easier to dive into. The Female, not so much.
This for me, is perhaps where the Shadow lives. Hence this domain may require more exploration in the service of integration, no matter how painful.
The INNOCENCE sounds much more aligned with the feminine archetype I am trying to allow awareness of, and there certainly is a power within my mothers family that I can't quite yet conceptualise. This may well align with a consistent imagery within my dreams....which I will choose to keep within my own private reflections.